Monday, March 9, 2015

You want updates? You've got updates!

Hello lovely readers!

There are so many things happening in my crazy world right now, I thought it would be great to nail down some dates!  Now that I can breathe a little easier, having finished the rough draft of Never Standing Still, I can plan the release!

March 17th - Private Encounters Release
April 1st - Private Getaway Cover Reveal
April 7th - Private Getaway Release
May 4th - Never Standing Still Cover Reveal
May 12th - Never Standing Still Release

I am not sure if I will be doing preorders for any of these titles, but I will let you all know on my main page if that occurs.

Here's another something that's a little bit important....

So, I had fully intended on writing Never Standing Still as a stand alone book.  It was going to be just one novel, something anyone could read, regardless of whether or not they had read any of the previous Never books.  Well, I got about 40K words into it and realized it just wasn't going to work.  Kalli and Riot's story is a lot more involved and goes deeper than I ever imagined, so, Kalli and Riot's book has turned into a Duet.  There will be two books and I, personally, am really excited about it.  Let me be clear about something though... You are fine to read the book if you've not read any of the Never books.  You will get a few spoilers, but there isn't any reason you wouldn't be able to read Never Standing Still on it's own.

It is my intention to have the second book of the duet out *Hopefully* in July.

There are a few other small things in the works between now and May, but the details still need some ironing out.   As always, the most awesomest way to stay up to date on everything Anie Michaels is to visit my facebook page here.

Thank you all for your patience and your support! I have the BEST readers!

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